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If your neighbor’s house caught fire, would you call 9-1-1? Of course you would. People on the Cape watch out for their neighbors.
If you would like to help your neighbors – volunteer for us! We’re the 9-1-1 for consumer problems!
We are the Attorney General’s local Consumer Watch Dog agency. We help anyone who is having a problem with a business. Whether it’s a car repair, a contractor, a cell phone bill … we fight for fair play. We will try to get a consumer’s money back or their service restored.
We are not lawyers, just a fun group of people and regular citizens like you who want to give back to their communities. And we really need your help.
All we ask is just 3 hours one morning or afternoon per week. We provide all the training you’ll need.
If you want to help your community, call us at 508-771-0700 or email us at info@consumercouncil. com. We even have a handy application form you can download and email to us. You can make a difference!