We'll Fight For YOU!!

Thanks for your donation to help
cover our expenses. 

If you are having a problem with any type of purchase, whether from a local business, a national company or online, we may be able to help you.

Download a Complaint Form. Fill it out at home or call our office for assistance in completing it.

Trained counselors are available to discuss your complaint by phone. We offer a free, voluntary mediation service.  We will show you how to file your complaint with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, with which we work in close cooperation and which gives us our cases.

We offer free educational programs to community organizations  on Identity Theft, Cyber scams, and many other consumer protection issues.

Please submit your complaints to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. You can call their Consumer Hotline at (617) 727-8400 or file your complaint online by clicking this link.

Bruce Blackwell, Executive Director

These are among the many complaint areas handled by the CAC.

The CAC is an independent, non-profit agency that works in cooperation with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office