Having problems with your landlord? We may be able to help.
Did You Know? During a dispute with your landlord, your state or local consumer agency can help direct you to other places you may need to contact, depending on the situation, such as your local board of health.
Before you sign your lease, carefully review all its terms and question anything you don’t understand. If you were told something but it’s not
in the lease, it may be hard to prove later, so get it in writing first!
FACING EVICTION? You are entitled to a court hearing before you move out! For more information, call us. We will be happy to provide information on your rights.
Consumer Assistance Council
Main Office
444 Waquoit Highway, Suite 5
East Falmouth, MA 02536
Phone: 508-771-0700
Monday - Friday: 9am-3pm
Consumer Assistance Council
Mid/Lower Cape Office:
411 Route 6A
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675
Monday - Friday: 9am-3pm
Consumer Assistance Council
149 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Phone: 508-771-0700
Monday - Friday: 9am-3pm
The Consumer Assistance Council works in cooperation with the Massachusetts Attorney General. We are a non-profit organization.